The purpose of the system is to allow the control and reconciliation of
Breakbulk shipments. This is accomplished by entering the master bill and the
related house bills within the master reference. A cross-reference file is
available to contain information by customer showing their broker and any
constant charges. These files maybe accessed from the input program to expedite
data entry. The system easily outputs Arrival Notices, Reference Logs, U.S. CF
7512 and Billing Records
- Master and House Data
Simple keying with multiple letters and built in invoicing
- Create and Print Arrival Notice, Straight bill of lading and "Authority to make entry" forms.
- I.T. 7512 Form
- Create log's of references
- Invoicing
Create invoice to upload to accounting system.
- Details search of HAWB, MAWB, Containers
- Display of Breakbulk data
- Reports
Consolidate loan plans, Bill Lading receipt, special listing by agent or lane number.

Simple data entry
With field level help and organized tabbing. Our system is very easy to navigate.
Data lookups
Several databases are used to lookup information
Integrated invoicing
Key your invoice from withing the data entry program. Sharing key data elements
Straight Bill of lading
Simple to key straight bill of lading