(5) 3461 Data Entry

Click on the screen you wish to view, or scroll down to view all:

3461 Information

Manifest Data


3461 Tariff and P.O.


Delivery Order Comments

3461 Information


The 3461 data entry program.  It is recommended to key the 7501 first and Certify cargo so that you do not need to key this program.   However filing ISF's is easier from here along with using a template.        


Click here for a video of this program.

To Key a 3461:

  1. Click Import, 3461 Referencing, (5) 3461 Data Entry
  2. Enter the mandatory reference, customer and intials
  3. Input all other known data and click Ok to save and continue to the next tab.
  4. Input information on the other tabs until complete.
  5. Cancel to exit.  Click Finished if you have created ISF instead of Cancel


Field Name


 Ref. No.



Enter your reference number or click the look up button.  This field has a right click option that allows for  Inquiry, Computer Assign Ref, Clear screen, Delete, Print and Change customer number.  This field is mandatory. 


Right Clicking this filed will allow the option of:

Copy Refernce-You can copy a previously keyed 3461 and change info for this new file.

Computer Assing Ref-If the feature is set up in CBCC, it will use the next available Ref Number

Delete 3461-You have the option to Delete the 3461 out of the Print File

Clear-This clears the present info on the screen to add another reference.

Change Customer No. - Change the customer number

Template - Pull a template for faster data entry


Cust No.

Enter a valid customer number or click the look up button to select one.  This is part of the key to a reference and care should be taken to choose the correct number.   To change this, right click on reference and choose change customer no.  


Enter your initials. This field has become mandatory for creation of entries and other functions.

Arrival Date

The arrival date

Export Date

The export date especially for ISF's.

Elected Entry Date

 Record the six digit numeric code: month, day, and year (MMDDYY). Normally, it is the date the goods are released except for immediate delivery, quota goods, or where importer/broker requests another date prior to release (see 19 CFR 141.68).  It is the responsibility of the filer to ensure that the entry date shown for entry/entry summaries is the date of presentation (i.e., the time stamp date).

Entry type

Record the appropriate entry type code by selecting the two digit code for the type of entry summary being filed. The first digit of the code identifies the general category of the entry (i.e., consumption =0, informal =1, warehouse =2, etc.). The second digit further defines the specific processing type within the entry category. Therefore, a consumption quota entry should be recorded under code 02, an informal free or dutiable entry under code 11, etc.



Entry Type


Consumption Entries

Free and Dutiable




Countervailing/Antidumping Duty




Vessel Repair


Foreign Trade Zone (Consumption)


Quota/Visa and AD/CVD combinations


Informal Entries

Free and Dutiable


Quota (Other than textiles)


Warehouse Entries





Temporary Importation Bond


Trade Fair


Permanent Exhibition


Foreign Trade Zone (Admission)


Warehouse Withdrawal

For Consumption




Aircraft and Vessel Supply (Immediate Export)


Countervailing and Antidumping Duty


For Transportation


For Immediate Exportation


For Transportation and Exportation


Quota/Visa and ADA/CVD combinations


Drawback Entries



Same condition


Rejected Importation


Government Entries

Defense Contract Management Command - International (DCMC-I) (formerly DCASR) is the importer of record and filer of the entry


Any U.S. Federal Government agency (other than DCMAO) is the importer of record.


Note: When the importer of record of emergency war materials under HTS #9808.00.3000 is not a government agency, entry type codes 01, 02, 03, etc., as appropriate, are to be used. ALSO, ENTRY TYPE CODE 53 HAS BEEN DELETED.

*Transportation Entries

Immediate Transportation


Transportation and Exportation


Immediate Exportation


Barge Movement


Permit to Proceed




Entry Number

 Will be filled in by the computer using the reference number and filer code as a base for calculating the check digit.  This number is created from your reference number as a base and calculates the correct check digit.  You may also enter your own number.  Detailed instructions concerning the entry number are contained in Customs Directive 3500-08, dated June 19, 1986, (Customs), and Customs Directive 3500-058, dated September 10, 1991. An entry number, in this format, is required on all broker/importer prepared informal (which require a CF 7501) and warehouse entries.  


 Enter the four digit numeric code of the U.S. port where the merchandise was entered under an entry or released under an immediate delivery permit or use the look up to select a port code. . U.S. port codes can be found in Annex C of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule.

Single Trans Bond

This is the customers bond type and should not be changed.  Record the single digit numeric code as follows:

0 - U.S. Government or entry types not requiring a bond
8 - Continuous
9 - Single Transaction
Bond type "0" should be used in conjunction with surety code "999" for government entries secured by stipulation cited in C.R. 10.101(d).
Bond type "8" or "9", as appropriate, should be used in conjunction with surety code "998" when cash or government securities are deposited in lieu of surety.
Bond type "9" should be used in conjunction with surety code "999" when surety has been waived in accordance with C.R. 142.4 (c).

Broker File Number

Enter the broker's file number or importer's reference number.

Mode of Trans

 Mode of transportation (10 Vessel, 20 Rail, 40 Air, etc)

Consignee No.

Record the IRS, Social Security, or Customs assigned number of the consignee. This number must reflect a valid identification number filed with Customs via the CF 5106 or its electronic (ACS) equivalent. When the consignee number is the same as the importer of record number, the word "SAME" may be used in lieu of repeating the importer of record number.

Only the following formats shall be used:

IRS Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   NN-NNNNNNN
IRS Number with suffix . . . . . . . NN-NNNNNNNXX
Social Security Number . . . . . . . NNN-NN-NNNN
Customs Assigned Number. . . . .YYDDPP-NNNNN

For permitted and proper consolidated shipments, enter zeros in this block in the "IRS Number" format shown above (e.g. 00-0000000). The reporting of zeros on the entry summary document is limited to consolidated shipments only. 

Importer No.

Enter a valid account and customer number for the Importer of Record.

 The importer of record is the individual or firm liable for payment of all duties and meeting all statutory and regulatory requirements incurred as a result of importation. 

Ultimate Consignee

The account number and code of the Ultimate Consignee you have identified with a specific customer number and IRS number.

The button with the pencil lets you view and manually edit the address. 

Import of Record

The account number and code of the Importer of Record you have identified with a specific customer number and IRS number.

The button with the pencil lets you view and manually edit the address.

Carrier Code

 For merchandise arriving in the U.S. by vessel, record the name of the vessel which transported the merchandise from the foreign port of lading to the first U.S. port of unlading. Do not record the vessel identifier code in lieu of the vessel name. Pursuant to General Statistical Note 1 (a) (ii) of the HTS, the vessel flag is not required to be reported. For merchandise arriving in the U.S. by air, record the IATA code corresponding to the name of the airline which transported the merchandise from the last airport of foreign lading to the first U.S. airport of unlading. Use the IATA two digit alpha code for each airline. A copy of this listing is included in this issuance as Appendix D.

If the carrier file does not contain a specific air carrier's code, write the Designation "*C" for Canadian airlines,, "*F" for other foreign airlines, and "*U" for U.S. airlines.

These designations should be used only for unknown charter and private aircraft. When a private aircraft (HTS 8801.90.0000, 8802.20.0040, 8802.20.0050, 8802.20.0060, 8802.20.0080, 8802.30.0030, 8802.30.0040, 8802.30.0050, 8802.30.0060, 8802.30.0080, 8802.40.0040, 8802.40.0060, 8802.40.0070, and 8802.40.0090) is being entered under its own power (ferried), the designation "**" will be used.

For merchandise arriving in the U.S. by means of transportation other than vessel or air, leave blank.

Do not record the name of a domestic carrier transporting merchandise after initial lading in the U.S.

For merchandise arriving in the U.S. Customs territory from a U.S. Foreign Trade Zone, insert "FTZ" followed by the FTZ number. The following format should be used:



Check this Box if the Carrier is a Valid carrier in the Automated Manifest System (can also be defaulted by adding AMS check in the SCAC code Master Files) 

Voyage/Flight No.

 Valid Import Voyage or Flight number assigned to the Shipment, Enter the voyage number with out the V- the system will add that upon printout.

Location of Goods

 Where the entry summary serves as entry/entry summary record the pier or site where the goods are available for examination. For air shipments, record the flight number. Where FIRMS codes are available, they may be used in lieu of pier/site.

In the case of goods placed in a bonded warehouse, record the name of the bonded warehouse where the goods will be delivered (or record the Customs assigned number for the bonded warehouse in this block when available).

In the case where the entry summary serves as a warehouse entry/entry summary, record the pier or site where the goods are available for examination followed by the name of the bonded warehouse where the goods will be delivered (or the Customs assigned number). The use of the Facilities Information and Resources Management System (FIRMS) code in lieu of the pier/site/name of location is acceptable.

Vessel Code/Name

 Type the name of the Vessel in this field.

Port lade

For merchandise arriving in the U.S. by vessel, record the five digit numeric code listed in the Department of Commerce Schedule K for the foreign port at which the merchandise was actually laden on the vessel that carried the merchandise to the U.S. (NOTE: A January 1, 1991 edition of the Schedule K listing is included in this issuance as Appendix E). If the foreign port of lading is not provided for by name in the Schedule K, use the code for "all other ports" for the port of foreign lading for the country.

For merchandise entering the U.S. Custom territory from a U.S. Foreign Trade Zone, leave blank.

When a single entry summary covers merchandise laden at more than one foreign port, place the word "MULTI" in this block and record the foreign port of lading separately in column #28 directly below the line number of each line item (or group of line items if segregated by invoice) for the merchandise laden at each foreign port (where there are multiple ports of lading and also multiple countries of origin, see instructions under block 15). If both code numbers will be required for one line number, place the country of origin code directly below the line number and place the port o lading code directly under the country of origin code.

If merchandise is transported by a mode of transportation other than vessel, leave blank.


Enter the exporting country utilizing the two character alpha ISO country codes specified in the International Standard ISO 3166 (a list of the ISO two character alpha codes is provided as Appendix C in this issuance).

The country of exportation is that country from which the merchandise was shipped to the United States having last been a part of the commerce of the country and without contingency of diversion.

If you are using Canada, DO NOT ENTER THE PROVINCE CODE HERE.  Enter the Code “CA”. You will be prompted later in the system to enter the province code.


Enter the country of origin utilizing the ISO country codes specified in International Standard ISO 3166 (listed as Appendix C in this issuance).

The country of origin is the country of manufacture, production, or growth of any article. If the article consists of material produced or derived from, or processed in, more than one foreign territory or country, or insular possession of the U.S., it shall be considered a product of that foreign territory or country, or insular possession where it last underwent a substantial transformation. For purposes of reporting on the CF 7501 only, whenever merchandise has been returned to the U.S. after undergoing either repair, alteration, or assembly under HTS heading 9802, the country of origin should be shown as the country in which the repair, alteration, or assembly was performed.

When merchandise is invoiced in or exported from a country other then than in which it originated, the actual country of origin shall be specified rather than the country of invoice or exportation.

If you are using Canada, DO NOT ENTER THE PROVINCE CODE HERE.  Enter the Code “CA”. You will be prompted later in the system to enter the province code.

U.S. Port Unlading

 For merchandise imported by vessel or air, record the four digit numeric Schedule D code which identifies the U.S. port at which the merchandise was unladen from the importing vessel or aircraft (NOTE: A list of the Schedule D port codes is included in the HTS as Annex A). Do not show the name of the port of unlading instead of the numeric code.

For merchandise arriving in the U.S. by means of transportation other than vessel or air, leave blank.

Manifest Number

 The Manifest number

G.O. Number

In the case of merchandise placed in general order, record the number assigned by Customs in the following format:


Conv Rate

This is the Rate of Exchange for the Country of Export based on the Export date.  The system should pull the applicable rate

Total Value

This is the total of all the 3461 tariff lines on this particular invoice. 

Pkgs  Desc

An abbreviation representing the unit of measure as indicated on the B/L or AWB.  A standard generic unit of PCS (pieces) is acceptable when there are multiple units of measure associated with the bill of lading or air waybill; however, this does not relate to the unit of measure required for a specific tariff number.


Brief description of the Commodities contained on this 3461

Wgt  L/K

Record the gross shipping weight in kilograms for articles imported by ALL modes of transportation


Name of the Trucking Company moving the goods.


Shipper short name


Vessel agents name

Immediate Delivery

If an 3461 is not currently in your CBCC 3461 Print File, placing a “Y” in this field will restore it back in.


This field can be used to leave a specific message for this particular entry and customer.


 You can show the Status of the entry in this Field as “B/L” for update, “REL” for Released, or “PAY” as it is already paid on a statement.  This is an interoffice code and doesn’t get updated by CBP or transmitted.

Problem Code

This field allows you to enter inter office codes for your reference in regards to problems that may have arisen during transmission.  


Special type code

Broker Use

This button opens a screen to allow four lines of special broker use information that will print in box 29 of the 3461.  Not normally used.


Button Name



Save and continue


Click to save and exit


Print this 3461 now.


Enter comments for this reference.

I.T. Data

Open the I.T. program



Return to Top

Manifest Data


The manifest tab is shared with multiple programs and works the same in each.


Field Name



This is the Invoice Sequence that this particular BL/AWB is contained on.  The First Invoice would be Sequence 001, Second Invoice is 002, ETC.  The right click will allow you to copy and delete


If there were multiple BL/AWB’s on a particular Invoice.  The First AWB/BL  on Invoice it would appear as INV 001 and have SEQ 01, if there where  a second BL/AWB that would be Invoice  INV 001 SEQ 02.   If there were more on Invoice Two it would appear as INV 002  SEQ 01 and begin counting sequentially up from 01 again.

I.T #

This is the Customs I.T. number, it will default from what had been entered on the first screen  If different from the first screen it may be changed.  Right click has option to open the query program


A numeric date related to the in‑bond number in MMDDYY (month, day, year) format.  Multiple ITs may be combined on an entry summary only if all the IT dates are the same 


A code representing the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) of the party who actually issued the ocean bill of lading.  Do not confuse the issuer of the bill with the operator of the vessel. 

Bill Lading

A code representing the master bill number This code is required if the mode of transportation code is 10 (vessel, non‑container), 11 (vessel, container), 20 (rail, non-container), 21 (rail, container), 40 (air, non-container), or 41 (air, container); otherwise, space fill.

After you enter the number we read our database to check if the number has already been use.  We also check the ISF status and display in red at the bottom. 

Right click has the ability to create a query based on the number entered.   If you send/receive automatically it is possible to have the results of that bill before you finish keying. 





House #

A code representing the house bill number, If this is used on an Ocean Shipment the House Issuer is required.   

Right click has option to open the query program

Subhouse #

A code representing the sub‑house bill number


A value representing the quantity associated with the Immediate Transportation (IT), bill of lading (B/L), Automated Manifest System (AMS) master in‑bond number, or the air waybill (AWB) number.  The most detailed level of the shipment is reported (i.e., the smallest exterior packaging unit). 


An abbreviation representing the unit of measure as indicated on the B/L or AWB.  A standard generic unit of PCS (pieces) is acceptable when there are multiple units of measure associated with the bill of lading or air waybill; however, this does not relate to the unit of measure required for a specific tariff number.


Button Name



Click here to open container code lookup


Save and continue



Return to Top


The container tab is shared with multiple programs and works the same in each.  At this time it is recommended to skip container tab when doing ISF unless all information is known.



Field Name


Exam Site

This is where the Designated Exam site of the cargo is to be entered.


Invoice no usually beginning with 001.  Right click allows for insert,copy,delete or importing data.


The bill number.  Right click brings up standard windows options

Container No.

Enter this Specific container number from your documentation.  - C is for the container check digit.


A code identifying the manufacturer/supplier. The first two positions of the code for Canadian manufacturers/shippers is a CBP assigned code for the Canadian province/territory instead of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country code. Refer to CBP Directive 3500‑13, dated November 24, 1986, for complete instructions on determining the manufacturer/supplier code

Size / Type

This is a numeric code identifying the container’s size (i.e. 40, 50 )

Seal Number

Enter any seal numbers on the container number in this field.


A value representing the quantity associated with the Container

Gross Wt

Gross weight of the specific container 


Weight in Kilograms of the container.


Length in Feet of the Container

Cubic Meters

Dimensions in Cubic meters of the container 


Button Name



The Desc magnifying glass icon brings up the equipment lookup.  The Type lookup helps you create the 5 character code necessary for ISF filings.


Save and continue



Return to Top



3461 Tariff and P.O.

Field Name



Record the appropriate line number, in sequence, beginning with the number 001.

A "line number" refers to a commodity from one country, covered by a line which includes a net quantity, entered value, HTS number, charges, and rate of duty and tax. However, some line numbers may actually include more than one HTS number and value. For example, many items found in Chapter 98, of the HTS require a dual HTS number. Articles assembled abroad with American components require the HTS number 9802.00.80 along with the appropriate reporting number of the provision in chapters 1 through 97. Also, many items in chapter 91 of the HTS require as many as four HTS numbers. Watches classifiable under subheading 9101.11.40, for example, require that the appropriate reporting number and duty rate be shown separately for the movement, case, strap, band or bracelet and the battery. A separate line number is required for each commodity which is the subject of a Customs binding ruling.


If using a 98, 99, Watch, Ensemble or tools more than 2 in a set

H.S. Number

Record the appropriate HTS 10-digit duty/statistical reporting number along with the check digit if one is used (check digits are required on all 10-digit numbers; 8-digit numbers, such as those in Chapter 99 of the HTS, do not require check digits). This number should be left justified. Decimals are to be used in the 10- digit duty/statistical reporting number exactly as they appear in the HTS. The check digit is not to be separated by a dash or decimal. An example of the correct presentation of the duty/statistical reporting number would be as follows:



The Country of Origin

Manufacturer No.

A code identifying the manufacturer/supplier. The first two positions of the code for Canadian manufacturers/shippers is a CBP assigned code for the Canadian province/territory instead of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country code. 

Right Clicking here will:

Look Up ID- Search your MID Files for existing MIDs you have on file

Query ID thru ABI-Will Transmit and MID query with your entry to ensure it is on file with CBP

Update Entry with ID-This will update the Entry with the MID you have selected.

Add to Master-This will add this MID to your CBCC MID File.



N=Disclaim the Other Government Agency

D=Send Food and Drug  

C=Send FCC

Valid Other Government Agency (OGA) codes are:

Code               Description

AP2                 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) inspection required.
DT1                 Department of Transportation form HS‑7 may be required.
DT2                 Department of Transportation form HS‑7 is required.
FC3                 Federal Communications Commission form 740 review may be required.
FC4                 Federal Communications form 740 review is required.
FD0                 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) specific data is not required.
FD1                 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) specific data may be required.
FD2                 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) specific data is required.
FD3                 FDA Bioterrorism (BTA) prior notice and FDA specific data may be required.
FD4                 FDA Bioterrorism (BTA) prior notice and FDA specific data is required.

FS2                  United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) meat inspection is required.
TL1                  Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms 5100.31 may be required.
TL2                  Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms 5100.31 is required.


Ultimate Cons.

If you are doing a consolidated shipment, you may put the Consignee IRS number in this field next to the Classification that is owned by that consignee.   If doing a consolidated shipment with multiple consignees the 3461 must be done first

P.O. #

A purchase Order number can be entered here.


Button Name



Save and continue

Print P.Q

Print the P.Q. table list


Exit without saving.

Return to Top




 This is the importer security filing screen.  It is necessary to complete 10+ fields and send to CBP to receive an ISF number prior to shipment leaving port.

Field Name


SF Submission type


1 = Importer Security Filing 10 (ISF-10) submission

2 = Importer Security Filing 5 (ISF-5) submission

Shipment Type code 


Only used for SF Submission Type 1


01 = Standard or regular filings

02 = To Order Shipments

03 = HHG/PE

04 = Military, Government, Diplomatic

Action Code 

 A = Add Compliant, D = Delete, R = Replace Compliant.  Delete and Replace require ISF number to be filled in.

Bond Activity Code Select the bond activity code.  01 is normal  16 is special ISF bond requiring bond number put in on Misc screen.
Bond Holder No Importer of Records IRS number.  Tab past Imp Rec field to import from master.
ISF Number ISF Number returned from customs or gotten from other filer of ISF
Inv/Master/House Bill Information from Manifest tab.  ISF is based on these numbers so make sure they are correct.    Right click for many options.

Importer of Record 

Importer of Record customer number

Ult Consignee 

Ultimate Consignee customer number

Selling Party Id Enter selling party id.  If you enter a few letters and tab it will return a top ten list for you to choose from.  Confirm the address in the display window to the right.   Right click allows for copying of other parties.
Buying Party Id Enter buying party id.  If you enter a few letters and tab it will return a top ten list for you to choose from.  Confirm the address in the display window to the right.   Right click allows for copying of other parties.
Ship To Id Enter ship to party id.  If you enter a few letters and tab it will return a top ten list for you to choose from.  Confirm the address in the display window to the right.   Right click allows for copying of other parties.
Container Stuffing Location Enter container stuffing location id.  If you enter a few letters and tab it will return a top ten list for you to choose from.  Confirm the address in the display window to the right.   Right click allows for copying of other parties.
Consolidator Enter consolidator party id.  If you enter a few letters and tab it will return a top ten list for you to choose from.  Confirm the address in the display window to the right.   Right click allows for copying of other parties.
Booking Party Enter booking party id.  If you enter a few letters and tab it will return a top ten list for you to choose from.  Confirm the address in the display window to the right.   This field is ONLY used on isf 5.   Right click allows for copying of other parties.
Term Bond No.  
Term Bond Indicator
Code Qualifier 1  
Code Qualifier 2  
IE or TE  
Place of Delivery Enter place of delivery
Foreign Port Unlading Enter foreign port code

Button Name



Save and continue


Create this ISF for CBP


Exit without saving.

ISF Misc

Field Name


Submit Entry No with ISF Choose Yes to send entry number with ISF
Submit Master Bill Choose Yes to send Master bill number with ISF
Carnet Carnet number.  Can be repeated 10 times
User Ref User ref.   Can be repeated 10 times
Surety Code Surety code
Bond Ref No Bond number from Surtey company
Full Name of ISF Importer Full name of importer used with informals and by bond type 16
Informal Shipment Details  
Shipment Sub Type Informal entries require additional information.  Choose submission type
Est Value Enter estimated value
Est Qty Enter estimated quantity
UOM Enter Unit of Measure
Est Wgt  K/L Enter estimated weight and Kilos or Pounds

Button Name



Save and continue


Exit without saving.


ISF Multiples

When multiple parties are involved enter them in their appropriate fields.  Lookup and edit fields act the same as the first screen.   Click Ok to save or Cancel to exit without saving.

Button Name



Save and continue


Exit without saving.

Return to Top


Delivery Order


This is for creating a delivery order for the Trucker or Importer.   Most of this information should appear based on the entry previously being keyed.


Field Name


Ref No.

Reference number should be there


Enter your initials.


The shipper, will default the shipper as the person/company used in the Customer number. 

Deliver To

This is the person/company to whom the goods are being delivered.  You can Right Click on this field to lookup ship to address's or copy from shipper.


This is the Ocean/Air Carrier Name of the transporter of the goods.


This is the warehouse where the goods are being held.


This is the Foreign Port of Lading (the Schedule K)


The Bill of Lading Associated with this shipment

Voy No.

Enter the voyage number with out the V-.  The D.O. print program adds that for you.

Arrival Date

A numeric date in MMDDYY (month, day, year) format representing the estimated date of arrival of the goods at the intended port of entry. The date is mandatory if certifying from entry summary


Contact phone number, should default your company number here.

IT Port

Enter a valid I.T. port.

IT #

Record the In-bond Entry Number obtained from the CF 7512C or, if applicable, the air waybill number.  If AMS Master in-bond movement (MIB), record the 11 digit in bond number obtained from the AMS carrier. Neither the CF 7512 or CF7512C are used for the AMS master in-bond program.  If merchandise moves on an I.T. into a Foreign Trade Zone, do not record that number on the CF 7501 when the merchandise is removed from the zone.

IT Date

Record the date (format MMDDYY) of the In Bond Entry Number (CF 7512) or if applicable, the Transit Air Cargo Manifest (TACM), or the AMS Master in-bond movement.    Note: I.T. date cannot be prior to import date

IT Carrier

 For merchandise arriving in the U.S. by vessel, record the name of the vessel which transported the merchandise from the foreign port of lading to the first U.S. port of unlading. Do not record the vessel identifier code in lieu of the vessel name. Pursuant to General Statistical Note 1 (a) (ii) of the HTS, the vessel flag is not required to be reported. For merchandise arriving in the U.S. by air, record the IATA code corresponding to the name of the airline which transported the merchandise from the last airport of foreign lading to the first U.S. airport of unlading. Use the IATA two digit alpha code for each airline. A copy of this listing is included in this issuance as Appendix D.

Entry #

This number is created from your reference number as a base and calculates the correct check digit.  You may also enter your own number.  Detailed instructions concerning the entry number are contained in Customs Directive 3500-08, dated June 19, 1986, (Customs), and Customs Directive 3500-058, dated September 10, 1991. An entry number, in this format, is required on all broker/importer prepared informal (which require a CF 7501) and warehouse entries 

House B/L

A code representing the house bill number, If this is used on an Ocean Shipment the House Issuer is required. 

Sub House

A code representing the sub‑house bill number. 

Cont. No

Enter this Specific container number.

No. Pkgs

Quantity of packages for this container.


Gross weight of the specific container.


Customer’s Reference number

Free Time Last free time

Inland Carrier

 The carrier code of the Trucking company.


 A Description of the goods.


 Special Instructions for the trucker can be typed here.  Additional instructions can be entered from the instructions button


Button Name



Click here to accept save and exit.  


Special Instructions for the trucker can be typed here.  Default b/l info, cust ref, container data can automatically be imported to instructions screen.


Information regarding if the shipment contains Hazardous material.


Click here to print this D.O.


Exit without saving.

Return to Top



This screen is for entering comments for this file, not the customer.  The date and time will be entered after you key up to three lines of comments.  Check Private if you do not want the comment to be uploaded to Webtracker.


Field Name



Reference number should be there


Check here if you do not want the comment uploaded to webtracker. 


Button Name



Click here to accept save and exit.  


Click here to print these comments


Exit without saving.

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Copyright © 2015 E.D. Bustard Inc.