Master Files - (1) Customer Master Files

Click on the screen you wish to view, or scroll down to view all:
Customer Master List Customer Maintenance Ship to Addresses
Notes Email Addresses Billing Information

Customer Master List


The Customer Master Program allows the user to Edit, View, Add or Delete the customer information database. 
Video Click here to see video of this program

To Change/View a customer :

  1. Click File Mnt, Master Files, (1) Customer Master Files
  2. Select a letter to begin searching by company name (If you know the customer number its faster to enter the Customer No and tab past reference).
  3. Highlight a customer and choose an option below.

Field Name


Customer #: Enter the customer number if known to find it without the A-Z search buttons.
Reference #: If a specific reference number is assigned to the customer number enter it here.  Used for single shipment customers


Button Name


A-Z Click a letter to begin search list by.
Customer No/etc The heading buttons will sort the list by that field.
Sort The sort button resorts the customer master file index.  Only used if customers are duplicated or not showing in the list.
Ok Click here to choose the highlighted customer number and return to original program.  
Edit/View Opens the edit screen to make changes.
Add Click here to add a new customer.
Delete Delete's the highlighted customer.  Password protected.
Customer No/etc The heading buttons will sort the list by that field.

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Customer Maintenance


The Customer Add screen allows the user to view or add  new customers. 

To Add a Customer to the Customer Master:

  1. Click File Mnt, Master Files, (1) Customer Master Files
  2. Click Add at the bottom of the screen to display the Customer Maintenance screen.
  3. Start by creating a new customer number.  Up to five characters.
  4. Enter as much information as possible.
  5. Click Ok to save.

Field Name


Customer #: Enter a valid 5 character number that has been assigned to this customer..
Reference #: If the customer is a miscellaneous customer you may enter a reference number to be associated with the account in the ref # field.  Leave the ref # field blank if you do not want a reference number to be associated with the customer.
Alpha Seq: The Alpha seq. field allows the user to decide alphabetical sequence of customers in the Master Display.  Enter an alpha-numeric code for the customer.  Ex. Customs Broker Computing Co. has Alpha seq:  CBCC.  ABC Forwarding has Alpha seq:  FORWARD ABC.  Customs Broker Computing Co. will appear in the Master Display before ABC Forwarding based on the alpha sequence of C before F.  Numbers, symbols and spaces will also affect the sequence order.
Customer Type: Select an option from the list to help identify the customer. 
Individual Name: Individual name is optional
Company Name: Company name is Mandatory
First Line: First line of address
Second Line: Second line of address if required
City: City
State: State
Zip: Zip
Country ISO: Country Code using valid International Standard Organization Codes
Tel: Telephone number
Fax: Fax number
IRS #(EIN) IRS number in valid formats.  For export passport numbers use ZZ- then the number.
Date of Birth Date of birth used with passport
Passport C/O Passport country of origin
Bond No. Bond number
Bond Type Bond Type. Select from the drop down.
Bond Date Date of bond in MMDDYY format
Surety  Code Enter a valid Surety Code.  Don't forget to update the surety producer no.
Recon Flag Reconciliation flag set to yes or blank.
PQ Type PQ is a code that is used in keying from an importer's invoice to consolidate values for use on the 7501.


N:Normal with units

W:Worksheets with units



The data can be entered based on a worksheet supplying the codes or normal is when codes are pre-stored.

"With units" refers to keying additional information showing the quantities that will be used in Landed cost.

AES Option These pertain to exports using AES.  The AES option is twofold:  



Liquidation Code Liquidation code. 1 or 2.
7501 Pay Type Ach pay type.  Broker, Importer, Etc
Default MID MID to use as a default
Cst Manager Customer manager number.  Used for tracking.
Terms Payment terms
Active Active or non active account. Yes or No.
Date Date of last activity


Button Name


Bond Info  This program lists the bond information that has been queried for this customer.
Ok Click here to save and exit.  
Screen 2 Additional customer information
Billing  Opens the billing information screen. Billing codes, special billing address and Credit/No Credit settings.
Extra Address Opens the extra address screen. Multiple ship to address's based on customer number and letter.
Send 5106  Opens the ABI 5106 program for sending to CBP
Print  Prints this customer master fields
Notes Opens the customer notes screen. Free format screen allowing for notes on this customer.
Email Opens the email address screen. Database of email address's for automatic sending
Scan  Opens the scanned documents program used to organize scanned files for this customer.
7510 History  Displays the tariff numbers from the last few entries done for this customer. 
Part No's  Displays the part numbers that have been created for this customer
Cancel Exits without saving.

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Screen 2


The second screen has extra contact and default information.

Only fields requiring extra explaination are listed below.

Field Name


Cotton License This is supplied by cotton board and will input on cotton license field in the extra box on 7501 screen 3
FEI No FDA FEI number to default in.
Aii Approved Check here for customer that will be doing automated invoicing
POA Power of Attorney.  Make sure you have this
Expires Date Date the power of attorney expires.  Message will display on 7501 screen 1 if not filled in.   999999 is for never expire
Turn off messages Choose the messages you do not need to see when keying 7501.  We do not recommend turning Cotton Required on.


Button Name


Ok Click here to save and exit.  
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Billing Information


This screen allows the user to add special Billing Only Addresses, Customer Billing and select Credit settings.

To Edit Billing Information.

  1. From the customer maintenance screen click  Billing.
  2. Enter an existing  customer number to fill in the billing information for enter it manually.
  3. Enter valid billing codes to be used invoicing this customer.
  4. Click Ok to save Cancel to Exit without saving.

Field Name


A/R Cust #: The customer number of the company that will be paying the bill.  On the accounts receivable, this is where this company's invoices will appear
Indiv: Name of individual at the company which is being billed 
Comp: Name of company which is being billed
First: First line of billing address
Second: Second line of billing address, if needed
City: City of billing address
State: State of billing address
Zip: Zip code of billing address
ISO: Country Code using valid International Standard Organization Codes
Credit Limit: Select: No credit limit;  ignore-no limitations;  no credit-do not process papers; COD
Billing Code This option allows the user to create custom billing for each Customer.  The billing codes entered on this screen will be automatically billed on all invoices created for this Customer.  Enter a Billing Code in the first column and a price code in the second column.  The Amount and Description will appear and cannot be edited from this screen.  To edit Billing codes, Price codes and descriptions, go to Billing Maintenance.
No. Invoice: Number of invoices on a 7501 that are free
No. Lines: Number of lines on a 7501 that are free


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Cancel Exit without saving.

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 Extra Addresses


The Extra address or Ship to programs allows the user to add or delete multiple shipping addresses for this customer.

To Add or Delete Extra Addresses:

  1. From the customer maintenance screen click  Extra Address
  2. Click a starting search letter.
  3. Click a line on the left list to add or delete the item
  4. Enter the information
  5. Click Ok to save Add to add this address or Delete to delete it.

Field Name


Individual Name: Name of individual who will receive the shipment
Company Name: Name of company to whom shipment is made
1st: First line of address
2nd: Second line of address if required
CSZ: City, state, zip code
IRS #(EIN) IRS number in valid formats
Truck: Name of  trucker delivering merchandise
Phone: Phone number of company
Fax: Fax number of company
Email: E-mail address of company
Sequence: The sequence number of this address for this company


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Add Click here to add the information.
Delete Click here to delete the highlighted name.
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Free format screen allowing for notes on this customer.

To Edit Notes:

  1. From the customer maintenance screen click  Notes.

Field Name


Body Enter notes on this customer in free format.


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Email Addresses


Data base for email address under this customer number.

To Add or Delete Email addresses.

  1. From the customer maintenance screen click  Email.
  2. Highlight an existing email sequence to edit or delete it.
  3. Click a blank Seq and enter the email information below.  Click Add to save.

Field Name


Seq: Enter a valid 3 digit sequence number to keep track of the email addresses
Name: Enter a name for this email address
Address: Enter the email address for the name.


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Cancel Exit without saving.
Add Click here to add the new email address entered.
Delete Click here to delete the selected sequence.

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