Master Files - (5) Tariff Browse and Display


The tariff browse and display program allows simple and efficient search of the harmonic tariff database.  

To edit the Tariff Master:

  1. Click File Mnt, Master Files, (5) Tariff Browse and Display
  2. Enter a valid tariff number in the Search by Number field or a word in the Description field.   
  3. Select a tariff number and click Ok or another button to continue.

Field Name


Search by Number Enter a tariff number to begin searching with.
Description A '*' is used in the description field as a wild characters.  (i.e.  *birds* will find any number with the word birds in it.)  This will search the entire tariff so please be patient.
Tariff No The harmonized number.

The description of the number.

Begin Date The date the tariff begins to be valid
End Date The date the tariff expires
Select as applicable with Y  
A Antidumping
A/C Countervailing duty
Q Quota indicator
V Supplemental rates
S Special rates
T Taxes
OGA Other government agencies


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
View See more details or edit the number.  Click to view the Tariff Master Maintenance Screen. (you can also view this screen from File Maintenance (4)).
Sort Tariff To resort the entire tariff at the end of the year.  Only necessary if you are having trouble searching for a tariff.
Print Get a print out of the highlighted tariff
Print Range To get a listing of tariff numbers in a range.  Once you click here you will have the option to get a detailed listing or not.
Online Book This button will open your default browser to the Customs online tariff book.
Cancel Exit.

You can also view this screen through the Drawback section OGA (9).

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