Master Files - (4) Tariff Master Files


The tariff master is maintained with Abi tariff queries.  However there are times when manual corrections need to be made.  Special notice should be taken when editing tariff numbers to ensure that the Begin and End dates are correct.

To edit the Tariff Master:

  1. Click File Mnt, Master Files, (4) Tariff Master Files
  2. Enter a valid tariff number or click the lookup button.
  3. Enter the changes and scroll down to the bottom to click Ok.


C.B.C.C. has the ability to runC.B.C.C. has the ability to run two tariff databases.  At the end of the year Customs allows for special duty rates.  Manual changes of the current and old tariff are used during this time.  Click the Current button to see this year's tariff and click Old to see last year's tariff rates.


Field Name


Tariff No. A code located in the HTS representing the tariff number.  If this number is less than 10 positions, it is left justified
Tariff Desc. A condensed version of the commodity description that appears in the HTS
Unit Number of reporting units required by the Bureau of the Census.  In a few instances, units not required by Census may be required to compute duty.  In these cases, the Census reporting units are always first, followed by any additional units required to compute the duty
Duty A code indicating the formula to be used to compute the duty
Qty Desc 1 A code representing a unit of measure.  If the reporting unit is X, no unit of measure is required except for certain tariff numbers in Chapter 99
Qty Desc 2 A code representing the second unit of measure
Qty Desc IRT If Internal Revenue Tax is involved in the shipment
Begin Date A numeric date in MMDDYY format indicating when the record becomes effective
End Date A numeric date in MMDDYY format indicating the last date the record is effective
GATT ADV The ad valorem rate of duty that appears in the General column of the HTS.  Eight decimal places are implied
GATT SPEC 1 The specific rate of duty appearing in Column 1 of the HTS
GATT SPEC 2 The rate of duty appearing in the General column of the HTS that is not ad valorem or specific
1930 ADV The ad valorem rate of duty that appears in Column 2 of the HTS
1930 SPEC 1 The specific rate of duty appearing in Column 2 of the HTS
1930 SPEC 2 The rate of duty appearing in Column 2 of the HTS that is not ad valorem or specific
IRT No. Internal Revenue Tax number
OGA Codes that indicate special requirements by other Federal Government agencies must or may apply
GSP Generalized System of Preference. Codes indicating countries eligible for preferential treatment
EXCP Countries excluded from Generalized System of Preferences.  For excluded countries, code is A
Add Req Tariffs Code indicating if an additional tariff number may be required with this tariff number
Base Rate Code indicating if the rate contains a base rate
CVD Countervailing Duty Flag.  A code of 1 indicates the tariff number is subject to countervailing duty
ADD Antidumping Duty.  A code of 1 indicates the tariff number is subject to an antidumping duty
Quota A code of 1 indicates the tariff number may be subject to quota
C/O Edit Country of Origin (from ISO).  Code of 01 indicates C/O is eligible for column 1 duty rate; code of 02 indicates C/O is eligible for column 2 duty rate
CAT # Category number.  Code indicating textile category assigned to tariff number
Value Edit LOW:  HIGH: Code representing value edit
Date Res-1 Code representing first entry date restriction. Begin  End:  Numeric date in MMDD format representing the first begin/end restriction dates used in the edit
Date Res-2 Code representing second entry date restriction. Begin  End:  Numeric date in MMDD format representing the second begin/end restriction dates used in the edit
Qnty Edit 1 Code representing first quantity edit.  Low   High:  Value representing minimum (lowest)/maximum (highest) quantity edit
Qnty Edit 2  Code representing second quantity edit. Low   High: Value representing minimum (lowest)/maximum (highest) quantity edit


Button Name


Ok Click here to save changes Exit. 
Screen 2 Screen 2 has additional special rates.  See below for more details.
Cancel Click to exit without saving.
Notes The Notes button allows for special notes that will pop up when keying entries.
ABI Query Click here to open ABI tariff query program.
Online Book This button should open your default browser to the customs online tariff database.
Online Rulings This button should open your default browser to the Customs Ruling website.
Current Click current to use this years tariff base in your search.
Old Click old to use last years tariff base in your search.
Delete Click here to delete this tariff.  Most tariff maintenance should be done with the tariff maintenance program.
Cancel Click to exit without saving.

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Screen 2


Field Name


Tariff No. A code located in the HTS representing the tariff number.  If this number is less than 10 positions, it is left justified
Rate Nm: IRS tax rate
ISO Code representing the country
Tax\Fee Class Code representing the tax/fee class
Comp Code Code indicating first tax/fee computation formula
Flag Code indicating tax/fee is required (1) or may be required (2)
Duty Rate Specific rate of duty required to compute taxes and/or fees
  Ad-Val Ad Valorem rate of duty required to compute taxes and/or fees
  Spec 1 Specific rates if given by the system
  Spec 2 Additional specific rate if given by the system
Tax Fee Rate IRS or cotton fees
  Ad-Val Ad valorem rate of duty required to compute taxes and/or fees
  Spec 1 Specific rate of duty required to compute taxes and/or fees
  Spec 2 Additional specific rate as needed


Button Name


Ok Click here to save changes Exit. 
Screen 1 Click current to use this years tariff base in your search.
Delete Click here to delete this tariff.  Most tariff maintenance should be done with the tariff maintenance program.
Cancel Click to exit without saving.

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Field Name


Tariff No. A code located in the HTS representing the tariff number.  If this number is less than 10 positions, it is left justified
Note Three free format lines for notes.  This will pop up when keying entries if you check the popup box.


Button Name


Ok Click here to save changes Exit. 
Delete Click here to delete this note.
Cancel Click to exit without saving.

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