(5) Invoice History Display


This screen is used to display the invoicing information for a specific reference.


Field Name


Acct No. If you use multiple account numbers enter the account number of the invoice.
Ref No. Enter the reference number of the invoice.
Cust No The customer number on the invoice.
Invoice # The first invoice number for the entered reference.

If the following fields are available, they will be filled in automatically when the reference number is entered .   Vessel,  Port,  Invoice Date,  # Pkgs,  Commodity,  Weight,  Sailing Date,  Arrival Date,  Customer Ref No.,  B/L #,  HAWB.

B/C The billing code that was used when the invoice was created.
Amount This is the amount that was billed to the corresponding billing code.
Billing Description The description of the billing code.
Vendor The Vendor associated with the reference.
Cost The cost that was paid to the Vendor.
Open on A/R This field will list the amount of the invoice that still has not been paid.
Paid Date If the invoice was previously paid, the pay date will be displayed here.
Check No. If the invoice was previously paid, the check number that it was paid with will display here.
Total The total amount due on this invoice.
Net The total Net amount.
Cost The total Cost amount.


Button Name


By Customer Click to view a list of invoices by the Customer number.
Ok Click to exit.
More Click to view more invoices for this reference. 
Restore Click to restore an invoice into the Invoice print file.
Print Screen Click to display a report of the invoice.


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