(5) Invoice History Display |
Summary |
This screen is used to display the invoicing information for a specific reference. |
Field Name |
Description |
Acct No. | If you use multiple account numbers enter the account number of the invoice. |
Ref No. | Enter the reference number of the invoice. |
Cust No | The customer number on the invoice. |
Invoice # | The first invoice number for the entered reference. |
If the following fields are available, they will be filled in automatically when the reference number is entered . Vessel, Port, Invoice Date, # Pkgs, Commodity, Weight, Sailing Date, Arrival Date, Customer Ref No., B/L #, HAWB. |
B/C | The billing code that was used when the invoice was created. |
Amount | This is the amount that was billed to the corresponding billing code. |
Billing Description | The description of the billing code. |
Vendor | The Vendor associated with the reference. |
Cost | The cost that was paid to the Vendor. |
Open on A/R | This field will list the amount of the invoice that still has not been paid. |
Paid Date | If the invoice was previously paid, the pay date will be displayed here. |
Check No. | If the invoice was previously paid, the check number that it was paid with will display here. |
Total | The total amount due on this invoice. |
Net | The total Net amount. |
Cost | The total Cost amount. |
Button Name |
Description |
By Customer | Click to view a list of invoices by the Customer number. |
Ok | Click to exit. |
More | Click to view more invoices for this reference. |
Restore | Click to restore an invoice into the Invoice print file. |
Print Screen | Click to display a report of the invoice. |
Copyright © 2004 E.D. Bustard Inc.