7501 - (7) Additional Tariff Information


 The Additional Tariff Information page allows users to add, change, delete, display or print tariff numbers for watches, Chapter 98 numbers, ensembles, and sets.
Video Click here to see a video of this program.

To Enter the Addition Required Tariffs program

  1. Click Import, 7501 Processing, (7) Additional Required Tariffs
  2. Click Add/Change/Delete
  3. Enter a tariff subheading.  Note only 8 digits.
  4. Add or make changes necessary.
  5. Click Ok to save and exit.  Delete to delete this record or Cancel to exit without saving.

Button Name


Add,Change,Delete Click here to add a new item, change or delete and existing item.
Display File Click here to view a listing of the additional tariffs file.  Enter a starting point and select a tariff to edit or delete.
Print File Click here to display/print the additional tariffs file.  
Cancel Exit.

To display tariffs:

  1. Click on the Display File box.
  2. Enter a starting tariff number.
  3. A display of tariffs will appear.
  4. Single click on a selected tariff to edit.
  5. Click Cancel to exit.

To print a tariff:

  1. Click on the Print File box.
  2. Select Print to print the displayed screen.
  3. Click Cancel to exit without printing.

Click Cancel to exit and return to Main Menu.


To add, change or delete: Click on the Add, Change, Delete Box in the Additional Tariff Info page.

  1. To Add:  Enter the first eight (8) numbers of the tariff.
  2. If you would like to add the tariff click Yes.
  3. Enter the number of additional tariffs from 0 to 9.
  4. Select tariff type: Regular, Substitute or Space (if you do not want a label).
  5. Enter up to 6 valid SPI Exceptions codes.
  1. To Delete: Enter the first eight (8) numbers of the tariff.
  2. Click Delete to remove the entered tariff.
  1. To Change:  Enter the first eight (8) numbers of the tariff.
  2. Enter the new number of additional tariffs from 0 to 9.
  3. Select a new tariff type:  Regular, Substitute, or Space (if you do not want a label).
  4. Enter up to 6 valid SPI Exceptions codes.
  5. Click OK to save changes.

Field Name


Tariff Subheading Enter a valid tariff number here.
Additional Tariffs Select the number of additional tariffs required.
Type Select the type for these tariffs. 
SPI Exceptions Enter SPI exceptions as required for this tariff.
Special Duty Calc Choose one of the special duty calculations from the drop down list.

Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Delete Click here to delete this additional tariff item.
Cancel Exit without saving.

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