Master Files - (2) Master File Maintenance

Click on the screen you wish to view, or scroll down to view all:
Master File Maintenance Menu Sales Master Billing Code Entry Type & Export Code Firms Codes
Schedule K Display Port Master Display Country Origin Info Vessel/License Code Surety Code
Exchange G/L Carrier File FDA Quantity Code Container Code Printer
Manifest Units Equipment Unit Disposition Code Tax Fee Related Documents

Master Files Maintenance Menu


The master file maintenance program displays all of the programs used for system maintenance. 

To edit Master Files:

  1. Click File Mnt, Master Files, (2) Special Master Files
  2. Choose a program from the list and click it's button.
  3. Cancel to exit.

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Sales Master


 This screen shows the information created by the customer sales update portion of the sales posting run.  This screen is primarily used to display the Sales Master.

 To edit Sales Master Maintenance

  1. Click File Mnt, Master Files, (2) Special Master Files
  2. Click Sales Master
  3. Tab past your customer number and enter a customer number.
  4. Cancel to exit.

Field Name


Customer No. The customer's 5-digit number 
This Month This month's sales
Last Month Last month's sales
2 Months Ago Sales for 2 months ago
YTD Billing Year to Date amount billed
YTD Income Year to Date income
Advance Pays Amount of advance payments received from this customer
YTD # of Trans. Number of transactions for Year to Date
Adjustments To make changes in Year to Date income or billing


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Billing Code


This screen is used to add, change or delete your billing codes.

 To edit Sales Master M.aintenance

  1. Click File Mnt, Master Files, (2) Special Master Files
  2. Click Billing Master
  3. Cancel to exit.

Field Name


Billing Code: 01-99  
G/L No. This is the general ledger number used for posting  
Description: Used for invoicing.  You may enter whatever you like.  To delete an item put a dash in the description.  
Type: Value codes: I,A,D,F,* ‘I’ is for income taxes ‘A’ is for Advanced Payments ‘D’ is for Duty  ‘F’ is for Freight ‘*’ is for items that contain costs.  The amount billed contains income as well as costs.   ‘*’ items will appear in the other column on  The Sales Journal.  The item will only show in the cost column on the Invoice screen if it is a 'D' or an 'F' in the Billing Master.
Credit-Debit Valid codes are ‘C’, ‘D’ or ‘O’.  Normally this will be a ‘C’.  ‘O’ is for use in Air Export when entering House Airway Bills.  
Cons#: This is used on the sales posting report.  It allows one to bring together a number of billing codes.  
MTS Sales Those are the totals compile everyday in Sales posting.  
YTD Sales: They should not be maintained manually
Price codes & Amounts List two digit numbers and a related amount.


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Delete Click here to delete this billing code
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Entry Type & Export Code


This is to maintain the information for entry types and export codes


Field Name


Type 2-digit code that government provides for entry type or export code
Description Name of the entry type or export code.  To edit, simply click on the field and change description. 


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Firms Codes


Firms code maintenance allows manual editing of firms codes.  We recommend you query firms codes by district but you can

 To edit Firms Codes

  1. Click File Mnt, Master Files, (2) Special Master Files
  2. Click Firms Codes
  3. Click a letter to search or enter the firms code on the right.
  4. Cancel to exit.

Field Name


Search Search by first letter of location name
District Port Only Government location where merchandise will be available
Location name Name of firm
Type Type of firm by code number
Status Active or Deactive
Firms code Reenter firm code
District Port The district port this firms code is in.
Type Type of firm by name
Status Active or Deactive
Location Three lines of firm location
Add/Delete Choose to add or delete item.
Query Click here to open the firms code query program


Button Name


More List more codes
Delete Click to Delete the selected line.
Ok Click here to select highlighted code and exit.  
Cancel Exit.

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Schedule K


To edit Schedule K numbers


Field Name


Begin with Search by first letter of name of  port
Schedule # ISO's 5-digit number for port
Port Name Name of port
Country Country Code
Edit or Add Make changes in maintenance box to existing code or add a new item.


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Delete Click to Delete the selected line.
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Port Master


View and edit the Port master file. 


Field Name


Begin with Search by first letter of port name
Port Code 4-digit code from US for US ports
Port Name Name of Port
Trans Transportation type.  Select A for air, V for vessel, B for both air and vessel
Exam site The firm's code for the site where customs examinations are held


Button Name


Add Add this new port code information.
Delete Click to Delete the selected port.
Query Click here to open ABI port query program
Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Country Codes


The Country Code File contains the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country codes.  It is recommended to do a Country of origin query rather than manual editing. 


Field Name


Search Search by first letter of Country name
Country ISO Country code
Country Name Abbreviated name of country
SPI Special Programs Indicator. Valid Special Program Indicator Codes are: 

E          Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI)

I           Israeli Free Trade Agreement

J          Andian Trade Preference Act (ATPA)

Y          Insular Possessions

Z          Freely Associated States

1          Jorden

2          Chile

3          Singapore

4          Australia

5          Morocco

6          Bahrain

7          Oman

LDDC Lesser Developed Developing Countries ( 1 - Column  2 - Column2, L - LDDC)
Curr. Desc Currency Description
Rate of Exchange Quarterly rate of exchange received from customs.

A code representing the GSP indicator.  Valid GSP Indicator Codes are: 0 = GSP is not applicable 1 = GSP is applicable


A code representing the restriction indicator.  Valid Restriction Indicator Codes are:  1 = Restricted  0 = Not restricted


Special Trade Programs.  Valid Special Program Indicators are: 

D            AGOA
R            CBTPA
J             ATPDEA
Spaces   A country not considered to be an
                AGOA or CBTPA eligible country
Misc SPI

Special SPI Programs.  Valid Special Program Indicators are: 

P           Cafta


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Delete Click to Delete the selected line.
Add Click here to add a new Country code.  ABI country code query should be done first.
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Vessel/License Code


Database of vessel codes for export.  


Field Name


Vessel/License Code License code assigned by US government/or vessel number assigned by Lloyd's of  London
Name/Description Name of vessel or description of license
Agent No. Number assigned by customer
Agent Name Name corresponding to number
ECCN Select Yes or No as to whether it is required
License Required Select Yes or No


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Surety Code


Table to verify surety codes and the producer number that goes with it.  You must keep this file up to date, specifically the producer number, which you get from the surety company.


Field Name


Begin with Search by first letter of name
Surety Code 3-digit code assigned by customs
Name Name of surety company
Producer Producer Number assigned by surety company


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Add Click here to add surety code.  
Delete Click to Delete the selected line.
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Exchange G/L


Control file for exchange matching.  Only these general ledger numbers will have billed paid control (accounts payable)


Field Name


Account Number CBCC assigned number for the company
G/L Number General Ledger number
Description Description that goes with this number


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Carrier File


The Carrier Code File provides data pertaining to air and vessel carriers.  FYI there is a ocean carrier query but not air. 


Field Name


Begin with Search by first letter of Carrier name
Carrier A 2, 3, or 4 position code identifying the carrier.
Carrier Name The carrier name spelled out.
ID Number Identification number of the carrier 
Location The address of the carrier.
Vessel #  
Prefix The International Air Transport Association (IATA) prefix.
Type Boat,Airplane, Truck ,Train


Button Name


Add Click to add/update the code.
Delete Click to Delete the selected line.
Ok Click here to select carrier and exit.  
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Quantity Code


This is a database of fda quantity codes.   


Field Name


Begin with Search by first letter of Description name
FDA Quantity Code Two or three character quantity code. 
Description Description of code
Type Type of quantity


Button Name


Add Click here to add/update code changes. 
Delete Click to Delete the selected line.
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Container Code


Database of FDA container codes 

Field Name


FDA Container Code Two character code 
Description Description of code


Button Name


Add Add/change container code changes entered in bottom section. 
Delete Click to Delete the selected item.
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Internal listing of ABI print programs and the amount of lines of your printer.   Not used anymore.


Field Name


Program C.B.C.C. print program name
Lines Number of lines of your printer  60 for laser,  66 for dot matrix
Printer Number assign to a specific printer
Description Name of printer
L/P Landscape or Portrait
Printer Printer name
Mass Changes for Printer Change a printer name for many print programs.


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Manifest Units


Database of manifest tab unit codes.   Found in the CATAIR


Field Name


Unit Three character unit code 
Description Description of codes.


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Delete Click to Delete the selected line.
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Equipment Unit


Database of equipment codes found in the CATAIR 


Field Name


Unit Two character unit code 
Description Description of code


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Delete Click to Delete the selected line.
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Disposition Code


Database of disposition codes that customs returns in entry results. 


Field Name


Unit Two character code 
Description Description of code


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Delete Click to Delete the selected line.
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Tax Fee




Field Name


Tax Fee  
IRS Code  
IRS Suffix  
Rate Unit  
Hts Rate  


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Delete Click to Delete the selected line.
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Related Documents


 The related documents maintenance program allows for the editing and adding of related document codes and their descriptions.

 To edit Related Document codes

  1. Click File Mnt, Master Files, (2) Special Master Files
  2. Click Related Documents
  3. Tab past your account number and any existing documents will display.
  4. Click on a document number to edit or click an empty line to add a new related document.
  5. Cancel to exit.

Field Name


Account # Enter your company account number
Document # Enter up to 3 character related document code
Description Enter your description for the code.


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Cancel Exit without saving.

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 The signature database holds the initials used and the users title,email and signature image.  This is very useful for printing your signature directly onto certain forms.

 To add/change signature file

  1. Click File Mnt, Master Files, (2) Special Master Files
  2. Click Signature File   
  3. Select your intials or a blank line and edit fields below.  For the signature bitmap you will need to sign a blank paper.  Then scan it and email to CBCC for resizing. 
  4. Click Ok to save.
  5. Cancel to exit.

Field Name


Code Enter your intials here. 
Signature Enter the name you want printed on forms.
Title Enter your title such as  AIF
Email Enter your email address
Signature Bitmap Click the lookup button and choose the .bmp file created for you. 


Button Name


Ok Click here to accept save and exit.  
Delete Delete selected signature
Cancel Exit without saving.

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Copyright © 2015 E.D. Bustard Inc.